Primary Typfaces
Adobe Degular and Parabole are our primary typefaces. They have been chosen for their unique character which complements both the Academy’s future focus and our students’ individual career paths.
We like to be bold and strong in our communications, use a weight that best suits the message. But don’t forget to apply basic fundamental typographic principles. Allow the content to lead the typography, but remember that text is only ever ranged left.
Degular is a sans-serif typeface designed by James Edmondson and published through OH No Type Co in 2020. It is currently available on Adobe fonts with a Creative Cloud subscription.
Parabole is a distinctive display typeface well suited to large headings and call-out stats and statements. It is available to license through Ecal Typefaces.
Secondary Typeface
For email, powerpoint and other ‘non-designed’ material Arial is used.
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Primary Colours
Our colour palette comprises four strong colours, which help distinguish the academy from other organisations in the Higher Education space.
Purple, carbon and white are to be used predominantly, with lilac playing a supporting role if necessary.
Please use the values opposite to create them, making sure to pick the values appropriate for the
medium, eg RGB for onscreen.