The Journey

Creative Futures Academy is a space where some journeys begin and others evolve. A space to nurture and facilitate each unique + personal journey. Every individual is unique and traversing their own journey. On the following pages we illustrate how the journey can be brought to life.

The CFA Path Generator
3 individual characteristics will generate one unique path. Each path is fluid & malleable. It is constantly moving and transforming — mirroring the evolution of a participant’s Journey.

When cropped, these journeys form the backbone of our visual language.

Use the colour palette and a variety of scales to create an endless array of outcomes. These graphic patterns can then be combined with our other brand elements to allow the academy to stay fresh. See the style guide for examples.

Over time, the nature of the journeys can change and adapt, creating even more variety.

Photography should be aspirational and emotive, embodying the essence of the Academy. When documenting the real-life experiences of people, try to avoid staged or posed photos, as truly authentic interactions are always more engaging.